WebSphere DataPower®

— Give your company a competitive advantage

The competitive advantage of SOA-Secure implementing WebSphere DataPower at your company remains that we have been focused solely on DataPower for 5 years now, implementing the devices around the country. In most cases, the DataPower XI50 and XS40 have offered ESB and Security solutions from top to bottom in some of the largest organizations within the financial, insurance, and Federal space.

Often security standards and application standards become tightly coupled and hard to connect with in an organization as well as outside of it with external vendors and consumers. DataPower solves this problem by acting as the Enterprise Service Bus (or Enterprise Service Router), in which all messaging and security can be handled in one place, instead of in multiple locations in and outside of the architecture.

The business opportunities consist of less cost, faster move to production, ease of migration from external and internal processes, ease of mergers when taking in new software applications, less development cost and timeframe, transformation of all applications in one place, security standards at a Federal Govt. level if needed for proper auditing when the time comes.

DataPower ® provides tremendous value from an IT and business perspective, cutting developer manpower costs as well as software costs in the process. At the same time, since everything is done at wire-speed, the value of faster response times for these applications and the security they are intermingled with is huge, lasting year after year. The longer DataPower ® resides within an organization the more value it provides.

Simplify Your Data Flow